
The 2018  is the one that the artificial intelligence will overflow the Social Networks

The Live Video assumes the main role in this new stage in which we find ourselves

In the times that run Social Networks and new technologies, increasingly rapidly replaceable have become the undisputed kings, so we cannot ignore the role they have assumed in business as a tool to achieve a degree of competitiveness optimum.

We are currently in an ultra connected and changing world, whose speed does not stop surprising companies and their professionals. Therefore, it is essential to know how to properly manage cultural change and, above all, to train employees in digital skills to get Instagram followers.

Thus, it is essential to know the trends to be able to join and even anticipate them. The great connoisseur of digital marketing, Jeff Bullas  gives us some clues about the landscape in 2018.

7 Trends in Social Networks by Jeff Bullas

Live video or “live streaming”

It seems to have assumed the main role in this new stage in which we find ourselves. If until a few months ago You tube was the king of the audiovisual, today all platforms include video among their tools and even offer better solutions for this format.

Facebook Live have changed the way of telling stories by users and companies, for which the importance of live video in marketing strategies has not gone unnoticed.

The chatbots

The chatbots are gaining ground. These artificial intelligence software have gained ground and have managed to adapt but have not yet finished humanizing, an objective that will be approached in 2018, according to the expert.

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Ephemeral contents

The growth that the Snapchat social network has experienced in 2016 has made the revolutionary concept of the outdated content become the model to buy Instagram followers, so the proliferation of this type of applications should not surprise us, as we observed in Instagram with your stories.

The predominance of large

In 2016 we have already experienced it, the big companies have taken over the not so small ones, thus highlighting their superiority and establishing the foundations of the aborigine that is approaching in 2018.

Facebook was made with Whatsapp , Instagram and Oculus Rift, Twitter has bought  Periscope and, for its part, Microsoft concluded the acquisition of LinkedIn.

Custom contents

The huge amount of data that is multiplied by seconds makes it more necessary than ever to personalize the content as a marketing strategy, which will take advantage of all the data that digital platforms have accumulated over these years.

Social networks, the realm of influencers

Among all that marabunta of information, the influencers will act as a beacon in the middle of the ocean of content guiding consumers towards their brands.

Hold on to the artificial inteligencial arrives

2018 is presented as the year in which artificial intelligence will overflow Social Networks , for example, Facebook tags will be made through facial recognition and Pinterest can examine images thanks to an intelligent recognition system.

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