
We all want our employees to be successful at work

This is not only morally right, but it also makes a company more productive. A happy team is the foundation of a successful business. Business success is dependent on team wellbeing.

Positive work environments can make people feel more secure and fulfilled at work. This allows them to flourish and perform at their best, which will help you build your business.

It is not surprising that more companies are choosing to invest in tools that support workplace wellness.

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What does “workplace wellness” mean?

The term workplace wellbeing refers to the employee’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Many companies have workplace wellness policies. These policies aim to promote good health at work and outside of work through campaigns, tools, and activities. These tools can include “stop smoking” campaigns and wellbeing webinars. More information is available below. ).

It is not new for companies to promote wellbeing at work. The Cadbury family began construction in Birmingham in 1879. The factory was to have spacious homes, recreation facilities, playgrounds, work kitchens, and a variety of other amenities for its workers. This was a revolutionary idea at the time. Factory workers lived in cramped, tight-knit homes that were often prone to disease outbreaks.

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The Cadbury family was motivated by strong Christian values and felt a moral responsibility to improve the health of their employees. They understood that well-being was not only dependent on physical health. They believed spiritual health was equally important and established a prayer hour for workers in 1866. They also supported workers’ transport costs by negotiating lower fares for train passengers.

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Today, it is more common to provide a holistic package of support that supports both mental and physical health. Now, it is clear that physical health is just one aspect of a person’s overall well-being. Using tools to create a culture that cares about mental health issues can have a greater impact on overall wellbeing.

What can I do to support workplace wellness?

It’s easier than ever to provide support for your employees in the digital age. You can find a variety of benefits for employees, and an app or online platform is the best way to provide them with your package. Your team can access their benefits from anywhere, anytime. This is a great way to support colleagues working remotely.

Wellbeing webinars are a great way to get started if you don’t know what benefits your team will receive. These webinars will help employees become more aware of their own health and well-being. They offer practical tips that employees can implement into their daily lives.

These webinars will discuss lifestyle topics like resilience and dealing with uncertainty. This allows your team to gain an overall understanding of themselves and how it all relates into their overall life experience.

Your team will be able to make informed decisions and see improvements in various areas of their lives once they have a better understanding of their mental and bodily health.

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How do employee questionnaires help?

However, just giving them any employee wellbeing benefit is equivalent to prescribing medicine to a patient and not listing the symptoms. Without diagnosing the problem, how are you going know if the medicine will have an effect?

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Conducting employee surveys is a key method to support your employees. You won’t know if your employees need support unless you ask them.

The employee questionnaires ask a variety of questions to assess the team’s satisfaction with their work. These questionnaires help you identify the areas of greatest pain. Once you have done this, you will be able provide benefits that can support your team.

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What are employee surveys good for?

Surveys can be beneficial for many reasons. It is possible to determine whether productivity isn’t as high as it should or whether the work experience on the “shop floor” is as good as you would like. Sometimes, you can determine what is causing company trends. For example, high staff turnover could be due to a lack of support.

Surveys are great because you can pick the questions you ask and tailor each survey to your work-life. You might want to consider assessing the following areas:

  • General wellbeing
  • Provision of benefits
  • Belonging and inclusion
  • Professional development
  • Work environment

We have compiled a list of key questions to ask your employees to gauge their performance and help you create a support package that promotes your team’s holistic well-being.

Workplace Wellbeing Survey Questions

1) How often do you spend your sleep worrying about work in a week?

2) How often do you feel stressed at work in a week?

3) Who do you contact if you feel stressed at work?

4) Is it easy to get support for your work?

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5) What is your experience working under pressure?

6) How easy is it to maintain a work-life balance.

You can use the feedback you get from surveys like this one to understand the reasons for the responses, identify problems, and possibly develop solutions.

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